Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Taste of Culture

Trying to find one thing that i could learn from an elder was a difficult job as due to their vast experience of life, their wise words and many stories to share with us about their lives and its hardships choosing one single thing seemed like an impossible task. but after sometime it hit me that there is one thing that comes to mind when Muslim people speak of my culture, Memon Akni. 

This is a delicious dish that has been past down from generation to generation and leaves those consuming it licking their fingers. my Nani (mothers mother) who according to me is the bast cook in the world has agreed to share her knowledge of this dish with me as her mother had taught it to her.

Memon Akni is a rice dish that can be made with chicken, mutton, fish or vegetables and is served with a spicy yogurt. 

I look forward to this learning experience as well as spending that extra time during this experience with my grandmother who always has a new story for me. i will do a follow up next week to update all you guys.


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